Parents as partners

Happy Tots nursery recognises that parents are the child’s main carers and educators and therefore their views and extensive knowledge of their children are paramount in ensuring that we are able to provide the best possible care.For many parents the greatest benefit of a successful partnership with the nursery will be the security that their child is being cared for and their horizons are being broadened in a setting that understands their child and the whole family.

The Key Person Approach

The nursery operates a key person approach in order to provide the best possible care for each child and their family and to ensure that individual needs are recognised and supported.  For more information on how the nursery operates the key person approach please refer to the policy.

Families and our Nursery – working together

Essential to our success is the relationship between the nursery and parents and carers. This relationship is crucial to the well-being, development and progress of your child. During your time here at the nursery we will encourage and promote a two way flow of information, knowledge and expertise. The more we know about you and your child and the more you know about us, the more successful we will be in creating a partnership that is fully supportive of your child.

Most of the day to day dialogue will be face to face, by phone or email. Our email system is monitored by management throughout the day and we normally can get back to you within a few hours. Anything more urgent, then just pick up the phone.

Apart from the usual forms of communication we have a variety of other ways of keeping in touch and letting you know what’s happening in your child’s nursery life, such as:

Your child’s care plan which tells us everything we need to know.

The parent / carer notice-board.

Written daily reports about your child's day (eating, sleeping, learning updates).

Termly Summary Assessment about your child, based on regular observations.

Nursery policies published in our entrance area and on website.

Parent / carer evenings.

Parent / carer committee which contributes to the management of the nursery.

Facebook page – we carefully select how to use social media to stay in touch.

Suggestion box in the entrance area.

Compliments / Complaint policy and procedure (on parent notice board and website).

The key person system.

Helping you find the right resources if your child has a special need.

Strong links with local Schools, health centres, Sure Start Centre and businesses.


Our admissions policy is designed to be clear, simple and fair. We welcome children and staff from all ethnic origins, religious backgrounds, gender and those with special needs. We have a booking system, which operates on a first come first served basis. It may also be necessary to put your child on our waiting list; however, we endeavour to place all children as soon as possible.

Download our Terms Dates

Our setting is open to all members of the community.

We advertise our service widely.

We reflect the diversity of members of our society in our publicity and promotional materials

We provide information in clear, concise language, whether in spoken or written form.

We base our admissions policy on a fair system

We ensure that all parents are made aware of our equal opportunities policy.

We do not discriminate against a child or their family, or prevent entry to our setting, on the basis of colour, ethnicity, religion or social background, such as being a member of a travelling community or an asylum seeker.

We ensure that all parents are made aware of our equal opportunities policy.

We do not discriminate against a child with a disability or refuse a child entry to our setting because of any disability

We develop an action plan to ensure that people with disabilities can participate successfully in the services offered by the setting and in the curriculum offered.

We take action against any discriminatory behaviour by staff or parents. Displaying of openly racist insignia, distribution of racist material, name calling, or threatening behaviour are unacceptable on or around the premises and will be dealt with in the strongest manner.


We offer places at Happy tots through an open, equitable and inclusive process, in alignment with our Nursery Policies and Procedures.Our services will be made accessible to all interested parties and our admission and induction process outlines this in a clear and easy manner.


We aim to create a warm welcoming and secure environment in which children, staff and parents/carers are valued and their happiness and enjoyment is fostered.

When the Admission Form and fee (where applicable) has been received by the nursery, arrangements for inductions will be made with the parent/carer for times and days that are convenient for all parties. Happy Tots Nursery will work closely with parents/carers to settle the child into nursery setting.

Nursery Policies

Policies and procedures help us to maintain a highly professional, consistent standards and are able to provide an outstanding quality provision by making clear to all service users what actions we take to make sure that this happens.

Policies and procedures are set to reflect best practice and compliance and when implemented, to provide common understanding and agreement on how things should be done within the setting. Policies and procedures provide clear instructions and guidelines on what must be done in a set of circumstances or regarding a particular issue and eliminate any risk of ambiguity or upset. We have a comprehensive range of policies and procedures to ensure high quality care and learning, compliance with EYFS (2017) and all relevant legal requirements. They will be discussed during your child's induction visits and copies of all policies are available on request to parents at the Hallway.